Nourish Mama by Sherry Rothwell

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The truth about hormones in meat.


Don’t be scared of cabbage!!

Let me deconstruct it for you so that you don’t have to spend hours studying to figure out what is ‘off’ about this message (references at the bottom).

First we need a little context here, so we can look at this subject from a systems perspective, not in isolation (which is basically what this info graphic is doing, making it very confusing for the consumer).

I will start with phytoestrogens and then I will get to the beef part, because this graphic is misleading, without seeing the bigger picture.

Phytoestrogens are not bad and they are NOT actual hormones, although they are similar in structure and can block estrogen receptor sites. Here is a link to my soy article deconstructing the controversy:

Here is a link to my soy article deconstructing the controversy:

Phytoestrogens are not bad for already healthy people who do not already have severe symptoms of estrogen dominance (although the concentration in soy is cause for concern for people who eat processed soy products and babies who drink soy formula).

The way north americans consume soy is not at all comparable to how it is traditionally consumed in Asia (different ballpark altogether). Vegans eat too much of it and so does everyone who eats processed food because it is a ‘filler’ in just about everything.

The reason there are phytoestrogens (phyto meaning plant) in meat is because of what the animals are fed. Which is why some super sensitive people, can NOT eat conventional animal products, because the animals are fed soy – and it triggers their estrogen dominance symptoms. They should eat meat from animals who are fed their natural diet (as would be best for all humans in general).

There is no such thing as hormone-free beef, even if they didn’t add any. Hormones are a naturally occurring substances that all animals and mammals produce.

So the whole point of this infographic is questionable. It is a marketing ploy (obviously) intended to minimize people’s concerns about hormones in general by focusing on phytoestrogens and making them the ‘bad guy’ and saying hey look “we hardly have any of THOSE in our product”.

Plus, they make the numbers look extreme because usually these things are measured in micrograms, not nanograms which makes cabbage look like it is really high in phytoestrogens, but in relationship to other plants it is actually has a much lower content than the majority of phytoestrogen rich foods. However, when I converted it to nanogram, the cabbage converted to 80,000 nanograms using an online calculater, not 2381 as the photo shows! And that is both based on 100g so I don’t know why they would post it as less when trying to make their point. It is probably due to the reality that phytoestrogens in meat are just residue from the plants the animals are eating and so in order to give the phytoestrogen content a number, they had to make it nanogram. But because it would seem so outrageous, people might actually do their research to confirm that number (seems intentionally misleading to me, but maybe just an error?)

They are probably using this info graphic to come out publicly that synthetic and bio identical hormones are in fact used in the conventional farming of beef (because for a while there, everyone thought that Canadian meat was free of added hormones and it was JUST the evil american farmers using them).

Although, it is still not legal in Canada to use (rBST) a synthetic growth hormone that is approved in the US for dairy cattle. Health Canada has approved three bio identical hormones and three synthetic hormones for use in cattle in Canada.

It is the nature of our society to be short sighted, instead of considering the accumulative affect of exposure to exogenous hormones (meaning ones not made in the body).

Phytoestrogens are less of a concern, I would be more concerned about endocrine disrupting xeno estrogens (of which synthetic hormones are) that have been indicated in many conditions including: breast, prostate and testicular cancer, obesity, infertility, endometriosis, early onset puberty, miscarriages and diabetes.

Examples of harmful xeno estrogens: birth control pills, petro chemically-derived pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, Bisphenol A (used in plastic bottles, containers and almost all food-can liners, solvents, found in nail polish and polish remover, glue, cleaning supplies, car exhaust emulsifiers in soaps, plastics etc.

With all that exposure on a day to day basis, do we now also want it added to our food? I for one don’t.

Let’s face it, the added hormones are not for the well-being of the animals, nor to improve the nutritional value of the food, but they are there to increase production and make the meat cheaper to buy.

I am personally willing to pay more for better quality and healthier food. I have been eating organic dairy products even in the days when I made minimum wage. Back then I just ate organic dairy (since I was a vegetarian).

I eat meat now, but I choose quality over quantity. And so I can pretty much guarantee that I don’t spend more than the average meat eater on meat, I just eat less of it. Many people eat too much anyway. Instead of complaining about the cost of good quality meat, just eat less and it will even out in the end. And we get to be healthier in the process.

We can also learn a lot from bio-identical hormones and synthetic hormones prescribed to humans to look at what the impact could be. What is synthesized in a scientific lab is not the exact chemical structure as what is organically derived from nature.

Even if it is chemically structured the same (bio identical hormones) I want to know exactly what was used to create that synthetic substance? Synthetic hormones are not created structurally the same as human endogenous hormones, and that’s why they have side effects.

“While synthetic hormones can mimic the effects of endogenous hormones on certain biological pathways, they rarely offer the same effectiveness at a deeper, molecular level. Bioidentical hormones mimic the affinity of human endogenous hormones; therefore they are effective on more biological pathways, at all levels. Because bioidentical hormones are an exact structural replica of endogenous hormones, side effects are rarely observed.”

But there actually are side effects of bio identical hormones too: women who have had breast cancer or endometrial cancer, strokes, or blood clots would not want to take bio-identical hormones.

At the end of the day, I prefer to eat food as nature intended. I don’t want to eat synthesized hormones, nor be part of the experiment. I avoid synthetic chemicals where ever I do have control over that, including choosing to purchase organic grass fed (not just grass finished) meat that has no additional hormones added.

If you really want to know how to avoid estrogen dominance and heal your hormones, listen into this free ‘Hormone Harmony’ training:

I am sure you are going to LOVE it! It is straight talk about what it really takes to heal.


Straight talk on cattle steroids

Xenoestrogens – What are they? How to avoid them.

Estrogen Foods List: 50 High Natural Phytoestrogen Sources

p.s. plus they make the numbers look extreme because usually these things are measured in micrograms, not nanograms which makes cabbage look like it is really high in phytoestrogens, but in relationship to other plants it is actually has a much lower content than the majority of phytoestrogen rich foods. However, when I converted it to nanogram, the cabbage converted to 80,000 nanograms using an online calculater, not 2381 as the photo shows! And that is both based on 100g so I don’t know why they would post it as less when trying to make their point. It is probably due to the reality that phytoestrogens in meat are just residue from the plants the animals are eating and so in order to give the phytoestrogen content a number, they had to make it nanogram. But because it would seem so outrageous, people might actually do their research to find out why…..don’t want people doing research and making their own decisions now, do we?!!

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Want new clients?…..but not really…here’s why.

When you first envisioned your business, did you find yourself super excited as you visualized yourself helping to transform women’s lives inside of a full practice of ideal clients?

But then when it came time to get your first client or your next client, you found yourself in resistance?

Do you also find yourself dreading sessions with your current clients, even though you genuinely care about them and love your modality?

This is a huge problem.

It is the reason you are struggling to get clients.

Despite knowing what to do, you just can’t get yourself to do it.

And when you do work up the nerve to do client attracting activities in your business, they often fall flat.


Because you are telling the universe that you want clients, yet screaming at it to keep them away!

All this is all happening on an energetic level.

You may have thought that there is something wrong with you (personality-wise), but I am here to tell you that there isn’t.

Every problem in your business has a root cause.

If you struggle with wanting to get clients, but then having an aversion to having them – you likely have a hormonal or neurotransmitter imbalance.

Hormonal havoc along with a heaping dose of serotonin deficiency will give you personality traits that make you driven to work hard – maybe to the point of being a workaholic – yet you will also have an aversion to working with clients.

Essentially, you are too moody to have the energy to deal with them.

You’ll prefer to hide behind your computer working day and night on your business – doing everything but the most important stuff.

That is what defines a work-a-holic.

Someone who works all the time, but accomplishes very little that is of significance.

The weirdest part of all of all this is that once you are in a session with your clients you feel totally present and happy after the fact.

Yet that doesn’t stop you from dreading their session…. sometimes for days in advance, agh!!

It is a draining way to live and definitely NOT client attractive.

So no, you don’t need to learn more client attracting strategies, to fill your practice…..because let’s face it, you will not implement them with the right vibe…so they will just fall flat anyway.

Instead, you need to address the underlying cause of your aversion to signing on and serving clients.

It is time now to elevate your mood, your energy, and your health to be the leader your movement deserves!

In this training FREE training ‘7 Steps to Heal Your Hormones by Harmonizing Your Life’, you’ll learn how to do that.

Your health and your success in business are VERY intertwined.

You must take care of YOU beauty – before you can take care of others.

We know you know that, but now is the time to DO it.

Click here to get access to the FREE training so that you can get on the path now!

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Do you hate networking? 5 tips that will help.

Honestly, I hate networking in the traditional sense too.

Many networking events are like a ‘meat market’ for entrepreneurs.

What could be more unappealing than a bunch of ‘client hungry’ people trying to drum up business from other ‘client hungry’ people.

It just feels so icky!

In fact, I’ve even had the experience where certain individuals, have invited me out for coffee under the guise of building a friendship – when it turned out they just wanted to sell me on their MLM products.

Terrible idea.

Don’t be that person, ever.

And not on Facebook either.

Don’t pretend you want to be someone’s friend if your real intention is to sell them on something.

There are so many great direct sales companies out there and unfortunately, it’s people who do ‘shit’ like that, that give the industry such a bad rep!

People see right through it and won’t trust you after being manipulated like that.

If you want someone to sit through your sales pitch, then number #1 you need to be direct about what the meeting is about  #2 you should at least buy them coffee for going out of their way to be there!

Rant over.

Back to the particulars of networking.

Besides that there are always a few bad apples that spoil the whole bunch, leaning toward being an introvert, networking is not that fulfilling for me, because I hate small talk.

You may not know it from the outside (since you see me being super comfortable online in videos, livetreams and hosting events) but I am not as extroverted as I look.

So as you can imagine the thought of networking is for us a wee bit of a drain for me.

But over the years, I’ve broken the code.

Here are 5 tips to make networking events work better for you….

1) Deal with your hormonal havoc (moodiness and exhaustion make networking next to impossible)
2) Only go to the events that take place during the waxing and full moon cycle (there is less chance you’ll regret signing up for it, since these are high energy times in the lunar cycle)
3) Don’t go to networking events ‘to get clients’, go with the intention to connect and co create with others.
4) Make your focus to help other people (not to get them to do something for you)
5) Host your own networking events that have depth (facilitate going deep with people so there is no time for small talk!)

Success in business is all about being a ‘go giver’, not a ‘go getter’.

But first give to yourself.

Attend to your hormonal health so that you are in good spirits.

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

And you don’t have to be an extrovert to enjoy networking.

When you become more comfortable in your skin, have steady energy and feel more outgoing, you’ll be more attracted to the idea of getting out there and being visible in your community and online.

You just need to have more feel good hormones coursing through your blood!

People rarely realize that some of their so called personality traits are actually the result of a physiological imbalances that can be healed by addressing your health.

If you are lacking any or all of the following nutrition-wise, it is going to be pretty darn near impossible to feel happy, outgoing and in the mood to network.….

  • protein (building block of feel good neurotransmitters)
  • essential fatty acids (hormone balancing)
  • good bacteria in your gut (as much as 90% of serotonin is produced in a healthy gut)
  • B-Vitamins, Vitamin C and Magnesium (your natural nerve tonics)

But nutrition is just the beginning.

The best way to heal your hormones is to harmonize your life – body, mind, heart and soul.

You can learn how in this ‘Hormone Harmony’ training, where you’ll learn 7 steps to healing your hormones that will help you get to the root cause of your aversion to networking!

When your life, your hormones and subsequently your health are back in harmony, your vibe will elevate and so will your business!

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Are your hormones screwing with your business?

Let’s face it, as an entrepreneur you have to motivate yourself.

There is no boss looking over your shoulder making sure that you do the work to keep busy and be productive.

In a world where far too many people suffer the syndrome of ‘lack of self motivation’ (which is in my opinion due in part to being programmed by the educational system and the workforce) – basically because we have been forced from an early age to do shit we don’t really feel like doing – day in and day out) – we’ve never learned how to be self motivated (because we really haven’t had to be).

Once you decide that the path of a conventional career is not for you and choose the entrepreneurial path instead, you might notice how difficult it can be to stay focused and get shit done.

This is especially noticeable when you choose to work from home – with all of it’s distractions.

And if ALL that isn’t hard enough, we women have more than the usual entrepreneurial challenges to deal with.

The impact of menstruation on our work is not often spoken of.

Let’s face it, when you have a job, you may not like how you feel working on the days that you bleed (and if your hormonal havoc is really bad, your productivity might start waning significantly 1-2 weeks leading up to your period), BUT as long as you show up and do the job, you’re A ok, even if you feel a little slow, tired or emotional.

There is always ibuprofen for the pain and the fact that you are low vibe for few days doesn’t really have much of an affect on your regular paycheque.

An entrepreneur on the other hand can’t afford the luxury of pushing through in a low vibe state, because being in a low vibe is NOT client attractive – and having major lulls in productivity over the month can mean there are no leads being generated or money coming in.

There is no quick fix for that.

If you have hormonal havoc, your ability to be successful in your business is definitely suffering.

You may even think that you are defective in some way or just don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

But I am here to tell you that your habits and behaviours are not you.

They may be deeply ingrained, but they aren’t intrinsic to you.

Your physiology affects your personality traits. 

When you have hormonal havoc here are just some of the inefficient ways you might find yourself doing business (or not taking yourself and your business seriously)…..

1) Hate networking (small talk is not for the moody!)
2) You want clients – but not really (because what if you are not in the mood anymore when their session is scheduled?!).
3) You too often have to cancel your sessions because of tension headaches, brain fog and period pain.
4) You are unfocused, busy doing a lot of shit, but not getting much of value accomplished.
5) You are too sensitive or insecure to be able to handle being visible on social media (paranoia).
6) If someone questions, criticizes or offers even constructive feedback about what you ‘share’, you get angry or have to cry.
7) You are afraid to take on too much, because you are always worried that you’ll run out of energy or crash.
8) ‘Overwhelm’ is your middle name and you are afraid to take on new clients because you don’t trust your self to be able to stay on top of the work.
9) You’ve got magical thinking….you wish that you could just sit back and facilitate your work without having to sell – or wish someone would ‘discover you’, wave a magic wand and make you an overnight success.
10) You’ve got resistance to everything you once felt like doing and regret having put all that stuff on your calendar (because now it feels like a chore and an obligation).
11) Don’t want to be seen in photos or on video because you feel puffy bloated and fat.
12) Your clients annoy you when they struggle, because it triggers your own ‘stuff’

These are not personality traits, they are ‘inharmonious’ feelings generated by ‘inharmonious hormones’ and ‘inharmonious habits’.

If your hormones are ‘out of balance, so is your business.

How could it be any other way?

Our world is a reflection of how we feel inside.

We have to look deeper into the inner workings of our lives to address the root cause of our struggles in business.

There is no point learning more marketing tactics when the root cause of your struggles are hormonal.

A hormonal person can’t bring even the best of plans to fruition.

But it is not really about balancing your hormones.

It is about harmonizing your life.

When you harmonize your life – body, mind, heart and soul – you get back in flow and harmony with yourself.

And your business becomes a reflection of that!

I tell you all about how to do it in this FREE ‘Hormone Harmony’ call:

Get instant access here:

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What if it took a divorce to design your dream life, would you do it?

What have you known for a long time that needs to change in your life, but you’ve been paralyzed to take action for fear that things could get even worse if you did it?

When we try to hold on to something AND try to let go at the same time – nothing changes!

When you think of ‘that thing’ for you, have you been….

– Wanting a guarantee that it will all work out.
– Wanting ‘the way’ to reveal it self first before you commit.
– Waiting for someone to come and save you from it.
– Hoping, wishing and praying for a miracle.
– Wishing that God would come down from the sky, decide for you or tell you the right thing to do.

I get it lady, that’s how I lived the last 10 years of a very draining and unfulfilling marriage that I just couldn’t let go of (more on that in a sec).

You might feel like you’ve tried everything, but what you haven’t done yet are the only things that you ACTUALLY need to do..

1) tell yourself the truth
2) make a decision
3) commit to doing whatever it takes
4) keep taking inspired action
5) keep the faith

Faith is what is needed, to have the courage to do what you know needs to be done and finally make space to design your dream life by divorcing from your default life (the one you are settling for even though you know you were born for more).

You need to unravel what’s been holding you back and stay focused on consciously creating the life you really want, every single day.

It is not enough to set new years goals or monthly new moon intentions.

You have to give up something of a lower value to make room for something of a higher value in your life.

You can’t have it both ways.

I finally made my divorce decision, after 20 years together……

This summer, through very systematic mindset work I was finally able to admit the truth to myself.

If I stayed in this relationship I would never have the life I truly wanted or live to my potential.

I had to tell myself the truth….

1) I was settling for crumbs, for fear that being alone or the fall out would be worse than staying.
2) A part of me wanted to stay only to maintain control over how my children are raised because deep down I knew that my values and standards were not his.
3) I was putting up with things I shouldn’t have been, because of a primal need to be protected, taken care of and provided for as a mother.

Maybe you can relate to some or all of this?

I will soon be revealing the whole story and A TON more about my journey with this in the Dream Design Tribe.


Because it would have really helped me to have had someone to mentor me through this process who had themselves been in my shoes.

Divorce is taboo in this culture still. Nobody wants to talk about it. Yet the majority of people do it!


I am not going to keep quiet.

I have been wanting to tell you about it this whole way through…..but I have been looking for a way to be able to do it without holding anything back and at the same time not air my dirty laundry in front of people who would just enjoy the drama of it.

I am sharing it to help.

You can learn more here in the FREE private Facebook group:

I will be telling the whole story and will also share…

1) the journal exercises I did to finally acknowledge what I really wanted
2) I will share with you the coaching exercises I did to uncover the truth about what was really stopping me from leaving
3) I will show you how to do the emotional work I am currently doing to process the experience so that I learn from it and don’t hold on to resentment

and so much more!

There is soooooooo much opportunity for growth and spiritual development in a divorce. It doesn’t have to be a downward spiral. You can feel like a victim to it or you can use it to make you stronger.

I have to admit, that at first the whole experience felt like it was happening TO me.

Even though it was a mutual decision, it still didn’t feel like it was a choice to me – I only chose it because he refused to go to marriage counselling.

I was willing to do the work, he wasn’t. I lost hope that things would ever be different and that was why I finally let go.

I have had to process a lot of hurt about him not caring enough or feeling that I was worth the effort.….3 months of crying daily at ‘that thought’….. I really did love that man despite his short comings.

And then I realized that THIS wasn’t happening TO me, it was happening FOR me.

Here is the truth honey…..

– If he doesn’t love himself, he can’t love you.
– If he doesn’t want you, he doesn’t deserve you.
– If he’s consciously and deliberately holding you back in anyway from living into the best version of yourself, he’s not in your marriage to give, he’s there to take.
– If he’s already left you emotionally, leaving you physically is the most loving thing he could do (he’s setting you free)!

If you’ve been on the fence about your relationship or contemplating divorce, I want to help you.

If I had the tools that I have now – years ago – they would have helped me to make or break the marriage much sooner.

My younger self so needed someone to share their experience.

Many people have told me throughout the years that I should just leave him, but no one showed me how.

No one shares what separation and divorce is really like (until after the fact)….no one shares how it is as you are going through it ….the phases and feelings etc.

It took a lot of faith to act from truth – without knowing what the consequences would be….how my life would change.

But I had to accept that there would be fears to face and inevitable breakdowns before the break throughs.

Doesn’t matter what the big scary change is that you need to make, there will be pain….but you don’t have to suffer.

Myself, I have been able to release years of repressed pain though this.

Seeing what patterns have played out rooted in deep childhood traumas has been enlightening.

The mindset work I do keeps me focused on what I want to create, rather than feeling sorry for myself, victimized, abandoned and betrayed (yes, I go there sometimes, but it doesn’t last because I now know how to get a hold of my mind when it starts to cling to negativity and poor me thoughts).

Yes, I do deeply feel the pain of grief, loss and separation…..but I also feel more alive, like the future is wide open and I am so grateful for the opportunity to exercise my faith in the creator as the source of everything.

So maybe you aren’t going through a divorce, but let’s face it, if you are human, you are going through something you ultimately do need to divorce your self from.

There is something you are dissatisfied with in your life.

That is how it should be.

Dissatisfaction fuels the change that leads to conscious creation and elevating your standards – so that the experience that you have in life just keeps getting better!

My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner.

If you need help to get to the truth of what needs to change in your life, clarity about what you want instead, fuel for faith and help to stay focused on what you want to create in your life – instead of ‘settling’ like I did for far too long, then I would LOVE to help.

You can learn more here:

Besides following my divorce decision journey, you’ll get a ton of support to live your dream life – body, mind and spirit.



p.s. please share this with someone who needs to hear it.

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Feel like shit, but no one can figure out what is ‘wrong’ with you?

If you’ve been going from one specialist to the next and no one can find out what’s wrong with you, you need to hear this.

There is a reason why they can’t find anything wrong with you.

Your ‘parts’ aren’t failing.

But your body is trying to tell you something.

Symptoms should never be ignored or suppressed.

Your body speaks to you through ‘symptomatology’.

Symptomatology is the study of symptoms of nutritional deficiency and organ system imbalances….. before those imbalances become diagnosable diseases.

Honestly, I think you are lucky that they haven’t diagnosed you.

That is just one less mental block in the way of YOU healing yourself.

Yes, honey, YOU do the healing.

THEY can suppress it, cut it out or diagnose it, but they don’t heal it.

You have a CHOICE in this.

You can keep going from one expert to the next, looking for the ‘one’ thing that’s wrong with you.

The problem with that though is that if you hold in mind that something is wrong with you, then you will eventually find ‘something’.

Instead of running the question over and over in your mind of ‘what’s wrong with me’, you might want to start asking yourself another question, like ‘how can I heal my self’?

Having a diagnosis doesn’t heal, although it does usually bring emotional relief to some degree – because we want to find a reason outside of ourselves to explain why we feel so bad.

We want others to validate our experience.

We are soooooo tired of hearing, ‘it is just in your head’.

I am not saying that what you are experiencing isn’t happening, but I do think it all starts in the mind.

The thoughts we think either serve us in the direction of healing – essentially that would be to go inside.

We don’t heal when we look outside of ourselves.

I am talking about the chronic stuff.

Sure you can throw diet, lifestyle and supplements at the acute stuff – and you get quick results – because the acute is active, not suppressed.

I think dis-ease is a gift.

It happens FOR you, not TO you.

But when you bypass the root cause(s) and go straight to suppressing your symptoms (or cutting out body parts) – you miss an opportunity to hear what your body is really trying to tell you.

It is trying to tell you that something isn’t right.

That’s it.

But what is it that is not right?

Who knows?

You do.

You may not be wiling to admit it right now, but you do know what isn’t right or in alignment in your life.

My grandma had stomach cancer, she had it cut out, but 10 years later she had cancer again.

She had only extracted the cancer, not the cause of the cancer.

The next time she got the diagnosis, she didn’t even try to fight it.

She told my mom “why would I want to live, all I have to look forward to is waiting on him hand and foot” (or something to that effect).

She was just done already and I don’t blame her.

Can you hear the resentment?

He never wanted to do what she wanted to do and so she never did what she wanted to do.

But did she really have to manifest a disease and die to get away from him?

She could have just decided to leave him 20 years earlier or tell him she would be doing what she wanted to do – and if he didn’t want to come along, that’s fine, he didn’t have to.

Everyday women suffer with physical pains that are simply their body crying out, because they haven’t listened to the emotions that are screaming for their attention – telling them that something just isn’t right.

You feel it in your emotions first, and if you ignore them, then your body will ‘hit you over the head’ with it.

It could be conscious or unconscious.

If you have a chronic health issue, would you be willing to consider that this is happening FOR you, not TO you?

That those painful symptoms are to finally wake you up to do ‘that thing’ that you know you should do, but you’ve been too scared to?

I hope you won’t let my grandma’s death and her teaching be in vain.

I hope that what I am saying does not fall on deaf ears.

The same creator that lovingly built in these warning signals to help you avoid sickness – also created your body with inherent self healing mechanisms.

I know you may be doubting that right now.

I get it.

But let’s put it into perspective, if you go into the kitchen right now and slice your finger, will it stop bleeding, scab over and heal?

You don’t doubt that it will. And so it does.

And it just proves that your vital healing force is alive and well.

If you are not just healing naturally right now on your own, then there is something in the way.

The whole looking to experts to fix you thing doesn’t seem to be working, so it just might be time to start looking at this thing from a different perspective.

Disease is not exempt from cause and effect.

It didn’t just magically drop into your body.

You are not a victim.

When would NOW be a good time to try something a little different?

You’ll transform your health, when you decide to transform your life.

The first time I got this, my life was transformed – by transforming my health.

It could come in either order.

If I hadn’t been diagnosed with mononucleosis and sent home to go to sleep for a couple of years along with a a bottle of antibiotics for strep throat, I wouldn’t be here right now writing you this.

I would never in a million years take that experience back.

It happened FOR me.

I found my passion, my dharma and a whole new paradigm of self responsibility – that gave me the knowing deep inside my bones that I and I alone was responsible for my health and had the power to change it.

When you stop feeling like someone else is responsible to figure out what is wrong with you, you’ve got your power back.

When you assume responsibility over your circumstances (including your health), you can change them.

I had to make a hard decision this year.

Like my grandma, I too was living with a man who let me do the lions share of everything domestic, he refused to help me or do anything I suggested – ‘it costs too much money’ was his all time favourite excuse.

Even when I had started to consistently make good money in my business (which I thought would make him take it seriously and motivate him to help me more).

It didn’t.

He still acted like my work wasn’t important and like I wasn’t important.

By this time I was consistently matching his income as a plumber and sometimes doubling it, so I finally just hired a wonderful woman to help me with cooking and cleaning one day a week to keep my sanity.

I resented how much I gave him and how much he withheld.

I was getting heavy (literally and figuratively) and bitter.

In the last couple of years, I kept having the thought….

“If I stay with him, would I end up like my grandma, with resentment eating me from the inside out in the form of cancer one day?”

And so, I wasn’t giving up on my marriage when I finally said yes to divorce.

I was making the choice to live.

The truth is that I am kind of embarrassed that I was so weak – to have stayed and settled for so long – for putting up with so much shit – and being so naive to think there was any hope of him changing.

And he never failed to disappoint me.

Besides that I am loyal to a fault – the only explanation I can give right now for why I kept ignoring the truth of how I felt is that I loved him.

I was holding in mind who I thought he could be, not who he was (a hazard that goes with the territory of being able to see people’s potential even when they can’t see it for themselves).

Then my body ‘hit me over the head’ with an extra 20 lbs in two months, on top of the fact that I was already voluptuous.

I knew the stress of my marriage was a huge factor.

And it still took a few more years before I was really ready to look at divorce as even being an option.

So I get it.

I get how hard it is to make whatever ‘that change’ is that needs to happen for you

But the real reason that I started writing this note, was just to share with you, that there is another way.

I wanted you to know that you can stop looking for what’s wrong with your body and just start making things right in your world.

In the following video, I share a bit about what I think it takes to heal and what my approach is to helping you heal your self (if you want a little or a lot of support):

I believe in you.

You can heal this.

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Dissatisfied with the ‘1 off’ session model of business?

If you work with clients offering ‘1 off’ sessions instead of packages, you are probably feeling frustrated with feeling like your clients aren’t staying in the game long enough to get the results that your modality affords.

Let’s face it. Our clients are people.

And people are people ‘ish’.

They are excited and motivated at the start, but struggle to stay committed when life gets life ‘ish’.

That’s when all of their excuses get the best of them.

Not enough time, money, energy, someone needs them or an unforseen life circumstance etc. justifies in their mind, why they can put off achieving their goals or healing themselves for later.

You might be tempted to get annoyed with your clients about this – and wonder why it seems like you care more about their health and well-being than they do!

But the truth is, it is up to you (not them) to package up your services in a way that is designed to get them results.

That’s what the experts do!

If offering your services in the ‘1 off’ model actually keeps otherwise ideal clients from committing to your process and staying the course, then you are the one responsible for that (ouch!).

There is another way though.

And that is by expertly crafting up what you offer into results based packages, designed to get your clients to commit for the long haul – and confidently invest in their health through your services.

Do you want to learn more about how you can do that?

Click here for help!


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(Waning Moon) Are you feeling a little blazeh today? Here’s why.

We are in the waning cycle right now – moon wise.

And that means that your energy might be starting to recede along with the moon.

It is the perfect time to start looking at what specifically is draining your energy.

And systematically deal with each thing, until you’ve freed yourself up from limitations, clutter and soul sucking situations.

If you want help with any of that e-mail me at [email protected] and tell me what’s holding you back.

This week is the perfect time to address it and let it go.

I have a small coaching package designed to help you deal with that 1 thing, that if you solved it – would change your life.

It is probably something that is really hard for you to look at on your own (or you would have already dealt with it).

Which is why you might need support to focus on it long enough to uncover what REALLY needs to be done to change it.

e-mail me at [email protected] if you are interested and I will reply with details about how it works!

Even if you don’t want my help, please take a moment to think about ‘that thing’.

What is stopping you from changing it? Is there even a small step you can take now towards it’s resolution?

Now is the perfect time to contemplate this (moon cycle wise).

If you decide to courageously meet your major life issue head on and stop ignoring it, minimizing it or plain pretending it is not an issue, you could have a completely different life – by next week!

As the saying goes, ‘you have to change your life to change your life’.

You can DO this!

e-mail me at [email protected] for help!


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